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Fred's Death Matches
Celebi 134's Comix

Bow the Mew, a tomboy through and through

Music: It Doesn't Matter

Joey Kitts, from Tails to Edited Tails

thanks to RPG icons for letting me use the sprite of Nina(Breath Of Fire II)for my sister.

Mist, daughter of a Zora (Zelda) has an sea fetish

Hi, it's me, Joe! You may know me as Celebi 134 on VGF, Graal, or AOL. But I'm here with my 4-year old website, TYGEX WORLD!
Joe-Over and Out.
Feburary 23, 2006: Hmm... well, it's not much of an update, but anything'll help, right? I'm adding another installment of The Lord of the Funyuns, along with another Deathmatch and some new Hobbes Questions.

amount of people have visited Tygex World as of Janurary 16th, 2005.

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